We create and publish articles to support your O1 and EB1 visa application process.

Publish materials in newspapers, trade journals, publications, testimonials and major media to qualify as a person of “extraordinary ability” and show a record of extraordinary achievement.

A lack of media coverage is often a serious obstacle for extraordinary startup founders, VCs, accomplished scientists and researchers, or simply top level professionals who aspire to switch from H1B to a more independent status.

What do we do for you?

  • Articles

    We help create and publish articles that qualify as supporting documents for O1 or EB1 visas. This includes storytelling, copywriting and placement in media to support your application as a person of extraordinary ability.

  • Interviews

    We will create and publish interviews in professional, trade publications and major media to show your record of extraordinary achievement.

Why us?

We are PROs!

Storytelling is in our DNA. We know how to transform your skillset, professional experience, and aspirations into unique stories to amplify your achievements and explain your value to the media.

As a team of accomplished PR professionals, journalists and content creators with 20+ years of experience, we can evaluate your chances for media coverage, craft a compelling story, and help you obtain desired publications in top media.

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Published press material about an applicant’s professional activity is a vital requirement for obtaining an O1 temporary visa or EB1 permanent residency.

Yet, many individuals who qualify as a person of “extraordinary ability” in the sciences, education, business, or athletics, commonly referred to as O-1A; or in the arts, commonly referred to as O-1B (Arts), have little media presence.

You might have press coverage in your native language, but that isn’t sufficient. Securing press coverage in English-language publications is crucial for your immigration application.

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Our process

  • 1


    Please send us your resume or a link to your LinkedIn profile, as well as provide links to previous academic, professional, or other publications that you might have, including those in your native language

    Email us
  • 2


    If your profile and previous accomplishments show that you are a good fit for our services, then you’ll receive a link to reserve a 30-minute consultation with our media professional.
    We’ll discuss your background and possible topics, and respond to any questions that you might have before providing a final estimate.

  • 3


    You will get a minimum of 3 publications in media, including interviews and thought leadership articles


  • Free


  • $100

    30 min consultation

  • starting from



    copywriting included!

Take advantage of this opportunity, it’s within your reach.

Contact us

O1 Visa requirements

O-1A Beneficiaries in Sciences, Education, Business, or Athletics

1. Establishing Eligibility
In support of an O-1A Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129), the petitioner must establish that the applicant:

  • Has extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, or athletics that has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim;
  • Has achievements that have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation;
  • Is coming to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability (but not necessarily that the particular duties to be performed require someone of such extraordinary ability).[19]

2. Supporting Documentation
The supporting documentation for an O-1A petition must include evidence that the applicant has received a major internationally recognized award (such as the Nobel Prize) or at least three of the following forms of evidence:

  • Documentation of the applicant's receipt of nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor;
  • Documentation of the applicant's membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their disciplines or fields;
  • Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the applicant, relating to the applicant's work in the field for which classification is sought, which must include the title, date, and author of such published material, and any necessary translation;
  • Evidence of the applicant's participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of the work of others in the same or in an allied field of specialization for which classification is sought;
  • Evidence of the applicant's original scientific, scholarly, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field;
  • Evidence of the applicant's authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional journals, or other major media;
  • Evidence that the applicant has been employed in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation;
  • Evidence that the applicant has either commanded a high salary or will command a high salary or other remuneration for services, as evidenced by contracts or other reliable evidence.[20]

Appendix: Satisfying the O-1A Evidentiary Requirements [2 USCIS-PM M.4, Appendices Tab] describes examples of evidence that may, in some circumstances, satisfy the O-1A evidentiary requirements, as well as considerations that are relevant to evaluating such evidence. While many of the listed examples and considerations are especially relevant to applicants in fields related to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM),[21] the guidance in the appendix may be relevant to any O-1A petition, as the evidentiary requirements are the same for all persons in the sciences, education, business, and athletics.

For more details, please visit: USCIS.gov


You have questions? We have answers!

How long does it take to get publications?

Each case is unique but, depending on your industry and accomplishments, the process takes from one to three months on average, including storytelling and copyrighting.

What if you don’t get publications within the promised time?

We guarantee results and, in rare cases when the process takes longer, you can either choose to wait or have your money refunded in full.

Can I choose media for publications?

Depending on your industry and accomplishments, we’ll prepare a target media list for you.

What if I want less or more than 3 publications?

Our packages start from 3 publications and most of our clients choose 4-5 publications in order to strengthen their application. So, we can score more articles depending on your needs, but we don’t do less than 3 publications, and we don’t work on a “pay per article” basis.

Do I need to write my own articles?

No, all articles, including thought leadership pieces and interviews, will be prepared by professional copywriters and journalists who follow media standards and guidelines to speed up the process of publication. Previous academic publications, and academic research are also important for your application, if you have any.

I have accomplishments, but in a very specific area. How do I explain myself to the media?

Our team includes veteran journalists with experience covering topics such as AI, FinTech, Web3, EdTech, VC funds, data science, and more. If you are an accomplished professional in your field, we can explain your unique and very specific achievements in language that’s easily understood by the media, general public, and immigration professionals. Let us tell your story.